Rumor Mill News

Tuesdays, at The Micro Effect

11am - 2pm Pacific Time ~ Noon - 3pm Mountain Time ~1pm - 3pm Central Time ~ 2pm - 5pm Eastern Time

Monday, November 14, 2011

Join us to hear Dave Lincoln, Joni Dahlstrom, John Heuer, and Julie Levine.

         With host Melinda Pillsbury-Foster and guests find what you need to survive and prosper during our transition to the New, Off-Grid Economy.   Reclaim your prosperity, rebuild commerce, start your garden, return to community.  
         This is our Mission and we pursue it relentlessly.
Tuesday, November 15th 2011

Today we will hear from David Lincoln on the lingering threat of nuclear waste, not located in some remote area, but in Simi Valley, California.   Our second hour we will hear from Joni Dahlstrom and John Heuer, one an activist who started the Tea Party Movement and the second an activist with the Occupy Movement.  We will explore the seeming division between the two, asking if it is real and how substantial any such division could be today.   And in our third hour we will hear from Julie Levine, an activist who has spent time across the country in the Occupy locations for her efforts to reclaim America.  
The solutions are there.  Reclaim America works to help you find them.

11am - NOON Pacific Time

Simi Valley, California  - It is frightening but true that Simi Valley, also the home of the Reagan Library, harbors nuclear waste which continues to impact the surrounding population. 

Lincoln, a former geoengineer consulting for major oil companies who saw the direction of the world in 1996 and quit his job with Enron to return to the United States to work for Green Peace and enforce accountability.  David has worked tirelessly for the rights of people to clean air, water and soil and providing tools so you can enact changes in your own local community. 

                                                                                          Site is Were You Poisoned?


NOON - 1pm  Pacific Time

Joni Dahlstrom  -  Stepped up to the plate and, before anyone thought of the Kochs, started the Tea Party in Arizona.  A decentralized activism which included people from all political viewpoints, it was taken over.  Today, Joni is working on survival but will take time to come together wth us to discuss what, if any, real divisions, exist between the Occupy Movement and the real Tea Parties.   

Joni Dahlstrom is a survivor who today, along with her work as a web designer and in public relations, is growing food and has started an organization to help others take back control of what they eat.  We will be talking about how you do it, why you do it, and the unexpected benefits.

John Heuer is an anti-war and social justice activist who is now completely involved in the Occupy Movement.  He is a retired member of the faculty who
worked at the University of North Carolina in their department of architectural and engineering services. When he has time he writes music and has performed with Pete Seeger.  

1pm - 2pm Pacific Time

Julie Levine has a Masters Degree in Social Work and has led non-profits, and worked with cities and counties to improve services and outcomes for low income children and families.
She has also taught in social work schools in L.A. and NYC and is currently a field instructor at USC School of Social Work.
 Julie grew up in South America where she saw first-hand the impact of U.S. foreign policy.
She has been an activist ever since, and is a leader in the Topanga Peace Alliance and the MLK Coalition for Jobs, Justice and Peace. 
Her involvement with Occupy LA began on September 26th, when she joined the organizers at their meeting (4th day) after the protest at the House of Blues, and she has been a part of the Occupation from the first day, camping out on the sidewalk at LA City Hall.  She serves on the Facilitation, Action and Media Committees for Occupy LA (   She has also spent time at Occupy Freedom Plaza, Occupy DC, Occupy New Orleans and will be visiting Occupy SF and Occupy Oakland on Saturday.
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