Rumor Mill News

Tuesdays, at The Micro Effect

11am - 2pm Pacific Time ~ Noon - 3pm Mountain Time ~1pm - 3pm Central Time ~ 2pm - 5pm Eastern Time

Monday, May 28, 2012

Tuesdays, at 

11am - 2pm Pacific Time ~ Noon - 3pm Mountain Time
1pm - 3pm Central Time ~ 2pm - 5pm Eastern Time
Call in numbers (888) 747-1968 or Or (208) 935 0094
     Our first guest today is Andrew Kreig, journalist, attorney, and crusader for justice. We will be hearing an update on the case of Don Seigelman.
     Karl Rove went after Don Seigelman, Governor of Alabama, pulling out all of the stops to destroy his career. The Seigelman case serves as an illustration of how Rovian dirty tricks are carried out. The story began in the early days of the W. Bush Administration while the heady effects of power created from the attack of 9/11 still held our country largely immobilized, growing ever more fearful. With host Melinda Pillsbury-Foster explore the roots of the issues which made it possible for the corporations to install their own operating system in our courts, in the economy, in government, and in all other parts of our lives. 
      Our second guest is Donna Amdersen, who will be telling us about her new book and digging into the tragic impact of psychopathy on our lives.
      Our third guest is Robin Westmiller whose story serves as another chilling reminder on how our lives are being stolen in plain sight, by use of the government which we trusted to protect us.
      Giving you the truth and the tools to resist is our Mission and we pursue it relentlessly. 

​This Week's Guests:                                                                                  Tuesday, May 29th,  2012
Hour One

Andrew Kreig is Justice Integrity Project Executive Director and co-founder. Andrew Kreig has two decades experience as an attorney and non-profit executive in Washington, DC. An author and longtime investigative reporter, his primary focus since 2008 has been exploring allegations of official corruption and other misconduct in federal agencies. Also, he has been a consultant and volunteer leader in advising several non-profit groups fostering cutting-edge applications within the communications industries. In 2008, he became a senior fellow with the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University and an affiliated research fellow with the Information Economy Project at George Mason University School of Law.
As president and CEO of the Wireless Communications Association International (WCAI) from 1996 until 2008, Kreig led its worldwide advocacy that helped create the broadband wireless industry. Previously, he was WCAI vice president and general counsel, an associate at Latham & Watkins, law clerk to a federal judge, author of the book Spiked about the newspaper business and a longtime reporter for the Hartford Courant. A description of Spiked is here. Listed in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World from the mid-1990s and currently, he holds law degrees from the University of Chicago School of Law and from Yale Law School. His undergraduate degree is from Cornell University.

                                                                                              Site: Justice Integrity Project

Hour Two

Donna Andersen, author of the newly published, “Red Flags of Love Fraud,” will be joining us.  Andersen coined the term Love Fraud, and defines it as “the intentional exploitation of an individual through manipulating emotions in a personal relationship.” The people who engage in love fraud, she says, are sociopaths.
Experts estimate that 1 percent to 4 percent of the population are sociopaths. That means there are 3 million to 12 million of them in the United States. Most are not in jail.
Andersen learned about sociopaths the hard way - by marrying one. In two years, this man defrauded Andersen of $227,000, cheated with at least six women, fathered a child with one of them, and then, 10 days after Andersen left him, married the mother of the child. It was the second time he committed bigamy. Andersen's first book, Love Fraud, tells the whole outrageous story.
Because of her experience, Andersen launched to teach people how to recognize and recover from sociopaths.
* The top 10 signs of sociopathic suitors (Number One: charisma and charm)
* Why anyone is vulnerable - especially powerful women
* How sociopaths use love bombing to seduce their targets
* Why there's no such thing as 'just sex.'
* Three steps everyone can take to protect themselves from love fraud
Andersen bases her information on what happened to her and thousands of Lovefraud readers. Her website draws 50,000 unique visitors a month, and she has collected 3,000 cases. Andersen also conducted two Internet surveys, each with more than 1,300 respondents, to gather data about sociopathic relationships.
This book provides a clear explanation of social predators, how they seduce their targets, why it's so difficult to escape the relationships, and how people can avoid them in the first place. It is a must-read for anyone looking for a partner and anyone who is mystified by the partner they have.
                                                                                    Site: Love Fraud

Hour Three
Robin West will be with us today to discuss a frightening problem confronting Americans.
As the population ages the issues of the elderly become more widespread and crucial. Robin Cohen Westmiller has written a factual, detailed story of her family's struggle with guardianship abuse. She has courageously told the story of what she, her children and, most importantly, her parents suffered from a system not prepared to face the realities of  this theft and mistreatment.
 Ruby and Regina Cohen worked hard all their lives taking care of their business, their daughter and their extended family of nieces and nephews. Retirement should have been a time of relaxing together to enjoy the security of family and financial stability. A small stroke changes all that. Ruby suffers a stroke that mildly seems to alter his thought process.  For many years he had spent a few weeks in Florida on vacation while Regina stayed home. His health seems to preclude another visit but calls from his niece convince him to go. Nothing his wife or daughter say can convince him that he is not in shape for the journey, not mentally or physically . In March 2004 he got a friend to drive him to the airport and flew to Florida. That was the last his wife would see him for close to 2 years.
What follows is an eye opening tale of the difficulties of fighting a system that is not set up to protect the well being of the elderly. Ms Westmiller's cousins were able to convince Ruby to file for divorce from his wife, refuse to see or speak with his daughter and granddaughters, attempt to empty his bank account and not return home. . As his health becomes worse and worse, Ruby is confined to nursing homes and hospitals. Even the court appointed guardian, the hope to change the situation, continues to drain his bank account, continues the divorce proceedings and let the cousins have a say in his life. Ms Westmiller must battle for her parents future in New York while her father is trapped in Florida from her home in California.
 The inclusion of  copies of all of the documents that support Ms Westmiller's experiences are a well chosen addition. While she is able to tell her story with minimal emotional slants, it is the inclusion of the actual court records, comparisons of signatures attributed to her father and financial records that make this book so powerful. 
It would be wonderful to be able to announce that the book has a perfect, happy ending. While Ms Westmiller is able to to rescue her father from the Florida relatives, guardians and court system, the toll, financially, emotionally and physically on her parents is monumental. In less than 2 years they lose everything they has worked for their entire lives- their house, their back accounts and, sadly, their chance to live together. This book is a personal attempt by the author to educate others to this danger and raise the awareness of this potential tragedy.
                                                                                               Book:  Blood Tastes Lousy with Scotch

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Real Story on German Gold Bearer Bonds


Tuesdays, at 

11am - 2pm Pacific Time ~ Noon - 3pm Mountain Time
1pm - 3pm Central Time ~ 2pm - 5pm Eastern Time
Call in numbers (888) 747-1968 or Or (208) 935 0094
 With host Melinda Pillsbury-Foster explore the roots of the issues which made it possible for the corporations to install their own operating system in our courts, in the economy, in government, and in all other parts of our lives. 
Over the next weeks we will be hearing from experts on types of cons and frauds carried out on Americans.  Both activists and ordinary Americans have been defrauded over and over again and it is time action was taken to make essential information available so this does not continue.  
  Tuesday, May 22nd, I will have as a guest on my show Jeffrey Weston. Jeff is the author of “The German Financial Time Bomb A Betrayal of the American Public, A Fantastic Deception,
  50 Years of Cover-Up and Now a Solution,” site located at He is regarded as one of the world's foremost experts on German Bonds, issued prior to World War II. 
 Mr. Weston has served as plaintiff on two precedent setting court cases that have served to confirm the value and validity of the bonds that Germany defaulted on over 80 years ago. With over 26 years experience in the securities business, Mr. Weston has served as adviser to foreign governments, municipalities and numerous public and private companies. 
  Jeff will be with us for the entire three hours of the show so you can ask questions on this very controversial subject. Questions can be sent in advance to us at  
  As you know, these gold bearer bonds have been used by con-artists for decades, fleecing people of millions of dollars. The German Bearer Bonds are one type of these instruments but over the coming weeks we will be covering more of these specific cases so you can be informed and warned.  

  This is our Mission and we pursue it relentlessly. 

​ This Week's Guest:                                                                  Tuesday, May 22th,  2012

Hour One - Two - Three 

Below is Dr. Weston's bio, also found on his website.  

Participated for four years during High School in multi-media communication activities, national level science exhibitions and on the schools leading debate team. Attended the University of Northern Iowa in Business Administration and Finance. Wrote and published three handbooks for high school and college level debate teams during college.

Listed in the 27th edition of Who's Who in Finance and Industry. Securities licenses previously held - Series 24, Series 7, Series 65 and Series 63.

District Manager - IDS/American Express 1983-1986

List of Consulting and Financial Engineering Contracts for period during 1986 to 1995, include, among others, numerous private placement offerings, tax credit sales and several structuring contracts for bond issues for municipalities, venture capital operations and an offering for the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

Started a swap fund called the "Aristocrat Endeavor Fund" in 1996 that grew within 3 years from inception to a fund with nearly $1 billion dollars of assets, a four star ranking from Standard & Poors Micropal and a listing on the Bermuda Stock Exchange. The Fund was selected by the Asian Wall Street Journal as the #1 top performing offshore fund in the 4th quarter of 2000.

Structured numerous merger and acquisition transactions and became a noted expert in the pre-war debt instruments of the Weimar Republic which still represent legal claims against the German Government.

Formerly a member of: the North American Securities Valuation Association; the American Registry of Arbitrators; the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD); and the International Association of Financial Planners (IAFP).

"The Zero Coupon Technique" Agefi - International Financing Review, Nov. 1983
"New Group to Assist Firms in Raising Capital" Penny Stock News, Dec. 2, 1983
"100 Start-up Companies for Mammoth Zero Eurobond" Corporate Financing Week, Oct. 24, 1983
"Multi-Fund Seeks to Show Class Across Markets" Foreign Exchange Letter July 29, 1996
"Nevada Manager Launches New Aggressive Investment Fund" Money Management Letter, Aug. 1996
"Fund of Funds goes After Art, Gems of HNW Investors" Private Asset Management, Aug. 12, 1996
"Fund Approved for BSX Listing" The Royal Gazette, July 24, 1996
"Speculating on Germany's Past" Der Spiegel, Nov. 29, 2004
"Battle of the Bonds: German Gold-Backed Bonds" Canadian Business, July 18, 2005
                                                                                    Site:  German Gold Bonds

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

March on Wall Street South - Matt Hickson and Woody Guthrie remembered by Leslie Fish

Radio RMN

Tuesdays, at 

11am - 2pm Pacific Time ~ Noon - 3pm Mountain Time
1pm - 3pm Central Time ~ 2pm - 5pm Eastern Time
Call in numbers (888) 747-1968 or Or (208) 935 0094

 With host Melinda Pillsbury-Foster explore the roots of the issues which made it possible for the corporations to install their own operating system in our courts, in the economy, in government, and in all other parts of our lives. 
Today we are beginning with an update on the rise of protest around the Wall Street of the South, Charlotte, North Carolina, where a group is determined to enforce our freedom of speech as the National Convention of the Democratic Party approaches. Matt Hickson, an organizer, will be joining us to discuss what is happening on the ground there and their plans to continue the Evolution.
With the echoes of Evolution in the airways we will then spend two hours with a woman who sat with Woody Guthrie during the long months of his final illness, playing for him his own music and her own. Leslie Fish went on to become one of the next generation of bards who touch us profoundly. Come share with us as we hear the stories of life, death, and song which knit us together with a force more powerful than steel.
Standing your ground for freedom as we continue to Fight fascism begins where ever you are now.
  This is our Mission and we pursue it relentlessly. 

​This Week's Guests:                                                                  Tuesday, May 15th,  2012

Hour One 
Matthew Hickson is a New Yorker by birth and a Southerner by residency.  He has lived in North Carolinian for 7 years and is a student activist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  In 2008, Matt went to work for the Barack Obama campaign in Charlotte, North Carolina and began to feel the dissonance between the electoral politics of Right and Left, and the rest of people's lives which were so often ignored in our national discussion.  Matt's political work aims to move beyond this electoral dynamic and place the lives of poor and oppressed peoples at the center of our conversations about 'the political'.  
At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Matt has engaged in fights around public worker's rights, the slashing of education budgets, and subsequent tuition increases.  He has also recently been part of actions at the shareholders meetings of Reynolds Tobacco and Bank of America. Currently, Matt is organizing for The Coalition to March on Wall St South, a group building people's power and voice at the Charlotte Democratic National Convention in September.
Weapons are being purchased, paid for by the American people, to be arrayed against those of us who protest. Knowing what lies ahead the Coalition will continue to take action. Bringing Left and Right together is a part of their mission.

Hour Two - Three
Leslie Fish is a legend in folk music. Her own bio is, itself, an interesting insight into who she is ans why her voice, and music, must be heard.
"I play 12-string guitar, 6-string guitar, some electric guitar, recorder and penny-whistle (not terribly well), autoharp, hand-drum, and I can fake it on electric bass. Keyboards? Hah! Just well enough to pick out a tune for transcribing. Plus my voice, of course. When I got my first guitar at 16 I'd already been into folk music, singing it anyway, for years; I spent about an hour a day playing/practicing with it, and would have done more if my parents hadn't yelled at me to quit making that godawful racket and do my homework. I think Mom was particularly pissed off because she'd tried for years to teach me piano (and Classical lyric-soprano singing -- even though my voice was obviously alto) because she wanted me to befome a proper Classic-music pianist/singer and maybe wind up at the Met -- and none of it took. Instead I was busy "wasting time with that awful cowboy music". Now that I'm successful enough to make my living at That Wretched Stuff, she never asks me anything about music. *Snicker* I use [a verse-long instrumental break] for dramatic purposes: to prepare the audience emotionally for the last (summarizing or punch-line) verse, or to heighten tension before the resolution. Naturally, the "break" can't be allowed to bore the audience, so I play my damndest then.
...Which songs am I proudest of? Well, there are a lot of them, but I'd have to say that "Hope Eyrie" heads the list. It's gone the farthest and influenced the most people. Oh, the tales I could tell about that one -- how it came to be written, how it became the anthem of the fandom/pro-space movement, how it was translated into Polish, smuggled into Poland and became the underground anthem of Solidarnosc -- hell, ask me later; Other songs I'm proud of: "Freedom Road", "They Were Having a Sale at the Gun-Store", "The Cripples' Shield-Wall", "White Man's Rain Chant (Lord of Thunders)" --they're all good solid songs, and they all have workable magic.
Song I'm least proud of: "Banned From Argo", no contest! I wrote it to order, to fill in a four-minute shortage on the master tape when we were recording SOLAR SAILORS, and hoo- boy, do I ever regret it! The damned piece of fluff became damn-near as popular as "Hope Eyrie".
My current filk-book has over 100 songs in it (I haven't counted), and there's my Kipling collection (at least another 50), my Pagan songs (at least 25 there) all the Misty Lackey poems I put tunes to that I don't have copies of (another 25 or so), plus some purely folkie-political stuff I have in other books at home. Say at least 200, maybe 300 -- and I'm constantly adding to it, so I have no way to tell.
Favorite filksong that I didn't write: "Worms of the Earth", by a band called Clam Chowder, popular around the SCA for the past couple of years. I heard it at Pennsic 19 and it blew me away. (Well, wait until I've been to another filksing, and that may change.) WOTE is one beautifully- written song, set purely "in period", and with a moral that I can't help agreeing with. Hmm, I can't say whether it's a filksong or actually a folksong; the border between the two is exceedingly fuzzy.

Site: Leslie Fish

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Power of Image and the People A. D. Coleman and Jerry O'Neil

Tuesdays, at 

11am - 2pm Pacific Time ~ Noon - 3pm Mountain Time
1pm - 3pm Central Time ~ 2pm - 5pm Eastern Time
Call in numbers (888) 747-1968 or Or (208) 935 0094
 With host Melinda Pillsbury-Foster explore the roots of the issues which made it possible for the corporations to install their own operating system in our courts, in the economy, in government, and in all other parts of our lives. 
In the first two hours we will hear from Alan D. Coleman, former columnist for the Village Voice, whose blog, Photocritic International, provides insightful and provocative commentary into the world of photography as image continues to transform our world. Today Alan will provide an update on the Lt. Pike Incident and the photo which went viral.
Our third hour will be dedicated to the successful campaign by Jerry O'Neil, legislator from Montana, who has been working to end the monopoly of the Bar Association in that state.
Fighting fascism begins where ever you are now.
  This is our Mission and we pursue it relentlessly. 
This Week's Guests:                                                                       Tuesday, May 9th,  2012
Hour One - Two

Alan D. Colman has published 8 books and more than 2000 essays on photography and related subjects. Formerly a columnist for the Village Voice, the New York Times, and the New York Observer, Coleman contributes to ARTnews, Art On Paper, and Technology Review. His syndicated essays on mass media, new communication technologies, art, and photography are featured in such periodicals as Juliet Art Magazine (Italy), European Photography (Germany), and La Fotografia (Spain). His work has been translated into 21 languages and published in 30 countries.

Since 1995, Coleman has served as Publisher and Executive Director of The Nearby Café (, a multi-subject electronic magazine where his widely read blog on photography, "Photocritic International," appears. He also founded and directs the Photography Criticism CyberArchive (, the most extensive online database ever created of writing about photography by authors past and present.

Coleman — who lectures, teaches and publishes widely both here and abroad — has appeared on NPR, PBS, CBS and the BBC. A Getty Museum Guest Scholar and a Fulbright Senior Scholar, and a recipient of grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Hasselblad Foundation, he was honored in 1996 as the Ansel and Virginia Adams Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence at the Center for Creative Photography. In 2002 he received the Culture Prize of the German Photographic Society — the first critic of photography ever so honored. American Photo named Coleman one of "the 100 most important people in photography in 1998."

Coleman's first major curatorial effort, Saga: the Journey of Arno Rafael Minkkinen, made its debut in both book and exhibition form in September 2005 and now tours internationally. His most recent curatorial project, China: Insights, premiered in spring 2008.

Coleman's books include The Grotesque in Photography; Light Readings: A Photography Critic's Writings, 1968-1978; Critical Focus: Photography in the International Image Community; Tarnished Silver: After the Photo Boom; Looking at Photographs: Animals, a work for children; Depth Of Field: Essays on Photography, Mass Media and Lens Culture; and The Digital Evolution: Visual Communication in the Electronic Age, Essays, Lectures And Interviews 1967-1998.

Critical Focus received the International Center of Photography's Infinity Award for Writing on Photography in 1995). Wired magazine called The Digital Evolution "required reading for today’s media-savvy or information-obsessed artist." A new collection of Coleman’s essays, Available Light: Photography in the 1990s, will appear in 2010.
                                                              Site: Photocritic International

Hour Three 
Jerry O'Neil is a state legislator in Montana. 

In his own words - “A couple of items that might be of interest to you include why I chose to challenge the established legal system and what I have accomplished after more than 30 years of battle.

Between 1975 and 1979 the attorneys I retained to represent my children and myself against a cult did nothing for over 2 1/2 years. During this time members of the cult, in violation of a known court order, traveled from Idaho to Montana with the intent to indoctrinate my children in their dogma. While this allowed a longer length of strain and emotional damages to us, the Idaho Supreme Court in O'Neil v Vasseur, protected the monopoly and threw out my case against the attorneys.

Not being able to retain another law-firm to pursue the case against the cult it was necessary for me to litigate it by myself without an attorney. After a 6 day jury trial my children and I received a million dollar jury verdict. The defendants moved for a judgment not withstanding the jury verdict which the judge sat on for over a year before granting.

I appealed the judgment notwithstanding the verdict and the Idaho Supreme Court initially denied my appeal on July 23, 1986. I moved for reconsideration. The attorney who handled my Idaho divorce and helped me get custody of my 5 children informed me he had received word the Idaho Supreme Court wanted to reconsider their opinion but was unwilling to award a $1,000,000.00 verdict to someone who represented their self without an attorney (pro se). Therefore I was forced to have an attorney sign on to the appeal and then the court reinstated my cause of action for invasion of privacy.

When the reinstated cause was sent back to the district court I timely recused the judge who had taken so long to wrongly decide the case. After losing the judge who was predisposed to their arguments the defendants requested he put himself back on the case to hear their motion to dismiss the case. After he put himself back on the case and dismissed it, the Idaho Supreme Court overturned the dismissal. The justice, whom I believe passed down the word to me that I would have to engage a licensed attorney to prevail on the case, stated in his concurring opinion,
"Moreover, the particular district judge who granted the motion and vacated the judgment directed by this Court, had been timely disqualified from acting further in this case."”
                                                                       Site: Jerry O'Neil

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fighting Fascism - from the Farm to the Grand Jury

Tuesdays, at 

11am - 2pm Pacific Time ~ Noon - 3pm Mountain Time
1pm - 3pm Central Time ~ 2pm - 5pm Eastern Time
Call in numbers (888) 747-1968 or Or (208) 935 0094
 With host Melinda Pillsbury-Foster explore the roots of the issues which made it possible for the corporations to install their own operating system in our courts, in the economy, in government, and in all other parts of our lives. 
Today we will hear from Kristi Boswell, who with the Farm Bureau, managed to stave off another assault on the liberties of Americans, this time the family farm. And if you have ever had a traffic ticket you need to hear from Greg Slaughter, the Ticket Slayer, who gets the job done for you when you are facing this form of fascism on the road. He will be followed by Chris Chapman, who will share his experiences in facing off with the IRS.
Fighting fascism begins where ever you are now. Also expect an update on the assaults on RMN.
  This is our Mission and we pursue it relentlessly. 
​This Week's Guests:                                                                                      Tuesday, May 1st,  2012
Hour One 
Kristi Boswell serves as the Director of Congressional Relations in the Public Policy Department handling labor issues for the Voice of Agriculture, the American Farm Bureau Federation.
Prior to joining America Farm Bureau Federation, Kristi practiced corporate defense litigation, including labor and employment, at Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP in Omaha, Nebraska. Before attending law school, Kristi worked as an aide to former Nebraska State Senator Pamela Redfield in the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature.
Kristi grew up on a farm in southeastern Nebraska where her family raised corn and soybeans. Kristi graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics from the University of Nebraska in 2004 and received her Juris Doctor with Distinction from the University of Nebraska College of Law in 2009. Kristi is licensed to practice law in Iowa and Nebraska.
                              Site: American Farm Bureau Federation

Hour Two

Greg Slaughter is the Ticket Slayer, the go to guy when you are being muscled by the man with the book of tickets and an eye on your pocketbook. For years Greg has run a rescue operation which had denied the confiscatory local law enforcement our money while training Americans to fight back.
                                        Site: Ticket Slayer

Hour Three 
Chris Chapman, a Florida swimming pool contractor, was a tax paying, ticket paying type guy until, 1988, when he learned by listening to a recording on a cassette tape Howard Freeman explaining the Federal Reserve System and the IRS and the real truth how the American People have been deceived.
From that moment forth, it has been a life changing experience, he used to go to the IRS local office to ask questions to understand how the IRS has delegated authority in the several States.
With no responsive answers he decided in 1993 that he was not going to pay any more personal income tax and not going to file the 1040 form any more.
In 2007 he was subpoena to appear before the grand jury, he did, and since then he has not heard back from the grand jury or the IRS, and they don’t visit him during the holidays any more like they use to.